Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lenten Post March 18th

Usually around Easter, I'm able to walk some remnant areas of native prairie to find what I consider the true flower of the season - Anemone patens, or the Pasqueflower. The Pasqueflower is a petite, purplish-pink flower that is among the earliest plants to flower each year. Pasque reportedly is French and refers to passing, or Passover, which seems relavant since it blooms in most years around Easter. This year, I'll probably go looking but won't expect to find any. Should you choose to go looking, I'd head for the nearest prairie that has some hills with exposed soil or gravel; that's where you'll find the little pink flowers - the promise of a coming spring and the renewal of the earth.

I certainly prefer them to the traditional Easter Lily and hyacinth. As delicate as they are, they are plants of substance and faith. Just in case you can't find some, I've posted a few pictures that I took of some pasqueflowers while I was in the Black Hills turkey hunting.



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