Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday Post

Over the course of these Lenten posts, I've attempted to tie humans to "the land", to make the case that we need to make that connection; that we need to be stewards of God's creation. Taking that one step further, we need to consider how we are to interact with each other on the land. How do we protect the land yet balance the need to feed everyone on this planet? The Nature Conservancy has an interesting discussion on conservation and third-world economies, you can read it here.

With regard to food, writer Brian Halweil notes:
"The economic benefits of world trade are a myth. The big winners are agribusiness monopolies that ship, trade, and process food. Agricultural policies, including the new Farm Bill, tend to favor factory farms, giant supermarkets, and long-distance trade; and cheap, subsidized fossil fuels encourage long-distance shipping. The big loosers are the worlds poor."

May the solemn holiness of the Triduum lead you to a glorious Easter.

Easter Peace,

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