Sunday, March 23, 2008


I got up this morning so I could watch the sunrise. There were clouds to start off with but the sun burned them, and the darkness, away. I guess one can't get much more metaphorical than that today.

I've found this practice of posting something everyday challenging and enjoyable. Sometimes I was able to plan out what I was going to say, other mornings it was a scramble to put something together. In the end it was very rewarding and I thank those of you who stopped by to check things out from time to time.

I'll probably take a little hiatus from the blog now. I need to put the final touches on my talk for the AAR next weekend. I'll try to post the text for that afterwards - it's on a Theological View of Leopold's Land Ethic.

Get out and enjoy spring. Look for a pasqueflower, listen for some goose music, feel God's presence in His creation.

Easter Peace,

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