Monday, February 25, 2008

Lenten Post Feburary 24th and 25th

Ok, I know this is kind of cheating ........ but yesterday was just too nice to sit inside at a computer posting a blog! Besides, it was my wife's birthday and we spent the majority of the day hanging out, watching birds, skiing, and cooking dinner.

What struck me yesterday was the general lack of people out - there were a few folks walking and even fewer ice fishing. That leads to a topic that I'll blog on here at some point - the lack of "nature-based" activities people are participating in. It's a concern for a number of reasons (again, at some point I'll blog in more detail). That it was such a wonderful day outside yesterday, I offer this quote from Aldo Leopold:

Barring love and war, few enterprises are undertaken with such abandon, or by such diverse individuals, or with so paradoxical a mixture of appetite and altruism, as that group of avocations known as outdoor recreation. It is, by common consent, a good thing for people to get back to nature. (from A Sand County Almanac)

With respect to the first sentence, I sadly don't think this is true anymore. In contrast, the second sentence (my emphasis added) is very true. So, get back to nature. Even on a horrible, cold day - get out and enjoy God's creation.


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