Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It doesn't seem possible that I'm already into my fourth week of classes. Things are definitely cruising along - and pretty well at that. I did hit a little speed bump with scheduling but that's been straightened out now. I am particularly enjoying the class on the Pauline Letters. We'll see how long that enjoyment lasts, I was the lucky recepient of the 1st Corinthians for my class presentation (it was a random draw, I don't believe the instructor was picking on the Methodist!). Nothing controversial to talk about there - Thanks Paul! To pick up the 3 credits I needed for my full-time status to remain in tact, I am doing an independent study on stewardship and the sacredness of food in Old Testament scripture - making the case that there indeed is a call for us to be good, responsible stewards of God's Creation and that the sacredness of food is part of that practice of good stewardship. I've made some good progress on the project already and am looking forward to continuing with it.

I am having a little bit of a difficult time focusing this semester. Mostly because I'm missing out on skiing and being able to spend more time outside. Not that we've had a great winter for skiing around here, but it is certainly better than the last two or three. Oh well, this too shall pass.

That's about it for now.

1 comment:

Melissa Meyers said...

I fell in love with Paul's letters after taking several in depth classes on them...It gave me a totally different perspective on Paul. Hope that your classes are going well!