Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lenten Post February 23rd

Yikes, I'm barely going to get this one in today! Yesterday, I spent in Cable, Wisconsin doing some "volunteer" work for a ski company that I have had the great privilege to be associated with during my "ski career". Then I drove back late yesterday afternoon to make it to church for our 14th Annual 6th Grade Mission Lock-In. My son, Will, is in 6th Grade and when it came find a male chaperon I got the call. I almost made it all night with out napping, but about 4 a.m. I had to take a 40 minute snooze. Today I'm just beat.

Here's a prayer from modern-day mystic, economist, former UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold.

Thou who are over us,
Thou who art one of us,
Thou who art -
Also within us,
May all see Thee - in me also,
May I prepare the way for Thee,
May I thank Thee for all that shall fall to my lot,
May I also not forget the needs of other,
Keep me in Thy love
As Thou wouldest that all should be kept in mine.
May everything in this my being be directed to Thy glory
And may I never dispair.
For I am under Thy hand,
And in Thee is all power and goodness.

Give me a pure heart - that I may see Thee,
A humble heart - that I may hear Thee,
A heart of love - that I may serve Thee,
A heart of faith - that I may abide in Thee

Dag Hammarskjold - from the book "Markings"


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