Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I wish that each of you has a blessed Christmas, full of family, joy, peace, and love.
I offer up the words to a Shaker Carol from The Rose Ensemble's latest, and beautifully done, Christmas CD "And Glory Shone Around"

Give Good Gifts - Annonymous
Give good gifts one to another
Peace, joy and comfort gladly bestow;
Harbor no ill 'gainst sister or brother,
Smooth life's journey, as you onward go.
Broad as the sunshine, free as the showers,
So shed an influence, blessing to prove;
Give for the noblest of efforts your powers;
Blest and be blest, is the the law of love.

It's difficult to be more simple and honest than that. May God's grace and understanding shower down upon you this and every day. May your travels be safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That expresses the Christmas celebration well! Same to you and your family!!! Peace.