Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another Trip Around the Sun

Yep. 44 of them to be exact. Pretty lazy day ... perhaps the weather has something to do with that. Spits of snow, stuff that looks like miniature packing foam, rain. Not exactly a nice day outside. We're going to have some friends over for supper and enjoy a little wine and call it good.

I haven't been in the writing mood much lately, mainly due to a finishing up two manuscripts at work as well as a couple of longer papers for school. Hopefully the work related ones are on their way to publication; one in particular has been a real struggle to get published. The other paper is for a book that will come out this summer on reservior management. That'll be the first time I've published a book chapter, so that's pretty exciting. For school I'm working on a summary of how our Christian-Judaic views on creation stewardship have been influenced by biblical stories. It's been interesting how the topic abrubtly intersected my Pauline Letters course during a class discussion on Paul's Letter to the Romans.

Last week I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with work and school and was truly questioning if I could keep up the pace I've set for myself. I had review of Dale Martin's book "The Corinthian Body" due and was struggling with getting it done. I got it back last week and it was really just what I needed. My instructor was almost gushing with praise! It was a boost that came just when I needed. Funny how things work out that way isn't it?

Pasque flower update. Didn't find any yesterday. Might need a few more days of sunshine!

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