Monday, September 15, 2008

Two Books that have had a Great Influence on Me

This morning I was pleasantly reminded about two books that had a great influence on me.  Today is the anniversary of the birthday of Robert McCloskey, author of Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal.  Two of my favorite childhood books.  Make Way for Ducklings had a particularly big influence on me.  I used to spend hours drawing and redrawing the ducks that were illustrated in the book.  I can honestly say that book started what has been a life-long love affair with waterfowl.  It is because of that book and the resulting infatuation with anything ducky that I choose to be a biologist. It is because of that book that I flirted with a career in art - I still do some drawings but haven't had the time paint for a number of years.   

I still have flash backs to Blueberries for Sal everytime I hear something hit the bottom of an empty bucket and I'm always a bit on edge whenever I'm in the woods - wondering if momma bear is just around the corner.

Both of these books opened doors to a love of animals and the outdoors that were largely shut for me.  My parents aren't outdoorsy people but they encouraged me explore things that were of interest to me.  For that I am grateful.


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